Omni Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City, OK
"Educating in the Heart of America"

Room rate for Institute attendees: $199.00/night plus taxes.
Hotel Reservations may be made by going to: Hotel Reservations
or by clicking the link found on NADOA's website at
All hotel accommodations will be the responsibility of the registrant. Hotel Reservation Deadline: Sep 6th. Hotel cancelations must be made within 72 hours of check-in. If not made within this time frame, 1 night plus taxes will be charged as a cancellation fee.
Class Schedule (link): Institute 24 Program Grid.pdf
Speakers/Topics: NADOA 2024 Course List.pdf
Institute Papers: 2024 Institute Presentation Files
CDOA - 16 (+4 additional for Wed classes)
Please note that each certified member will be responsible for submitting their individual affidavit of attendance form to the respective association for accreditation.
Wednesday Workshop Classes:
This year, we are offering optional Wednesday workshops at no charge, contingent on enough attendee interest. Taking a class may require an additional night's stay at the hotel Tuesday evening. AM classes are 9-12 and PM 1-3.
1) CDOA - What is a CDOA Anyway? Testing & New Website tips &tricks. What you need to know before becoming a CDOA
2) Beginner Well Setup
3) Advanced Well Setup
4) Escheat
5) Leadership Skills
Wednesday Welcome Reception and Thursday Evening events are included in the price of tuition. Lunch on Wednesday is not provided.
Guest attendance Wednesday Reception & Thursday Night Event only - $225 Price is flat rate regardless of whether guest attends only one or both events. Guest registration does NOT include breakfast and lunch.
Thursday Evening Information:
Thursday evening's event will be Chicken N' Pickle Game Night. Registration is included in the cost of tuition.
Event Parking: All parking at the hotel is conducted by the Valet. The current overnight rate for valet parking is $35.00 + tax per vehicle per night. Self-parking is available in the public city garage for $10.00/night.
Corporate Donation Form: 2024 CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP__DONATION FORM.pdf
Goody Bag Donation Form:
Vendor Registration Form: 2024 NADOA VendorRegFormAgmt.pdf
Institute Registration Refund Policy:
Please note that refunds will only be issued for requests submitted no later than August 25th OR in case of death of immediate family member or serious illness. If a credit card fee is imposed on NADOA, said incurred fee will be charged to registrant and deducted from the refund total. This credit card fee applies to refunds only.