2015 NADOA Institute Golf Outing

  • 02 Sep 2015
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • The Golf Club of Amelia Island - Ritz Carlton


2015 NADOA Institute Golf Outing

PLACE: The Golf Club of Amelia Island - At the Ritz Carlton

FORMAT: 4-person scramble

CHECK IN: Available at 11:00 AM


ENTRY FEE: $125 per person NADOA Member and $135 for non-members

The Golf Club of Amelia Island will be hosting our Institute Golf Outing this year http://www.golfclubofamelia.com. I invite everyone attending the Institute to help us kick off the institute right by signing up for the golf outing and enjoying the scenery of the island and the camaraderie of your peers.

This is a no pressure “Golf Outing”, so if you enjoy golf and meeting new people don’t hesitate to sign up. The format this year will be a 4-person scramble with bogey as your friend. We will have a meeting after the golf tournament to show appreciation to our sponsors.

I want to thank Babst Calland  http://www.babstcalland.com/ for committing to a sponsorship this year. With their early commitment this outing is already starting out strong. If your company wants to sponsor the golf tournament, we have several options, including options that include team entry into the golf outing. If you have questions concerning sponsorship please don’t hesitate to call me at (918) 236-2663 or on my mobile at (918) 704-7376.

-Brandon Ward

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